
The original images were in .C01 microcopic format stored on Swestore.

Access to Swestore

For accessing Swestore, we have used two different tools.


First, we have used lftp through terminal:


For downloading whole plate we used:

get plate_number.tar.gz

For uploading files we have used:

put plate_number.tar.gz


The other way to access files on Swestore was winscp tool which is a win-based tool.


Format conversion

For extracting and converting the format of images we have used “bfconvert” function of bftools command line tool.

This is conducted through command line or preprocessing/ script and subprocess library.

Normalization script

The following command should run over images after bfconvert command to normalize images to 8-bit format,

ls *.png ; while read file; do convert file -auto-level  -depth 8 -define quantum:format=unsigned -type grayscale file; done

or through script.

Check validity of plates

For a correct, complete plate we should have A-P rows as well as 01-24 columns (6144).


with the following command we could see if each well (A01-P24) and 16 images per well exist.

ls | cut -d _ -f 3 | cut -b 1-3 | sort |  uniq -c